Caring Is Caring
Now you have your new travel mate, its time to look after your duffel, duffer.
We recommend Bickfords, Bick 4 Leather Conditioner for all of our products as it does not darken finished leather but conditions, cleans, polishes and protects! It's recommended for exotic leathers and leather that has been to exotic lands, and also ideal for leather restoration and deep conditioning.
We plan on stocking it shortly.
Most other leather care products such as Dubbin, neatsfoot oil, beeswax and polishes will darken the leather either initially or over time.
All of these are great products and we have tried them all over the years.
If you're happy to have your new friend darken and gain a richer character over time, like an Uncle that’s retired to warmer weather - that generously lathers himself in tanning oil - then these products are great and will help develop that rich patina over time.
The Bick 4 on the other hand will do all the good things the leather needs but won’t change its look. For best results with the Bick 4 apply liberally with a soft cloth. Let dry and buff gently. If you are in need of really restoring leather, be it a quality BNVVT bag or another leather product you have, then we would recommend considering Bick 1 to clean first then Bick 4 to condition.
Remember: when removing spots from leather, always test any cleaning method on an out-of-the-way spot first with a soft cloth, and be sure to blot - never rub when cleaning.
If you are unsure of what you should use or have any questions please don't hesitate to Contact Us