Photo credit: Annie Jacobs - @annie.jpeg & magazine @raw.mag!
This time we are interviewing, Jeremy Loops, South African raised, global Troubadour.
We are big fans of his music, his outlook and his uwavering approach to pursuing his passion in a way that is without compromise. In the interview below we get an insight into the way he lives his life and goes about creating his version of the good life.
Jeremy's music combines a traditional singer songwriter style, with modern elements including looping pedals and rap collaborations. In this youtube clip, Jeremy explains and demonstrates this combination of influences and skills on this live version of his great song Down South.
What do you consider to be the key elements to a Bon Vivant?
Hard to say. I live a social life, but I’m unsure if my definition of luxurious and the average person's definition is the same. Do I fit the mold?
Do you have a personal motto that guides you?
Not really? I do like the saying by Sun Tzu that, ‘the skilful warrior stirs, but is not stirred’. That’s powerful stuff. So yeah, we can use that!
If you could start a new area of study with any specialist in the world what would it be and who would it be.
I’ve been desperately fascinated by medicine lately, especially surgery. I suppose Dr. House doesn’t count, but any surgeon or doctor who gets to see the depths of the human anatomy has a fascinating job. I want that person to instruct me!
Dogs or Cats? Why?
Both. Why not?

Photo credit: Annie Jacobs - @annie.jpeg & magazine @raw.mag!
Is location important to your personal and professional happiness? i.e. Could you do what you do how you do it somewhere else? Would you want to?
I’m a musician, so it’s definitely important for my professional happiness. There’s only so many times you can perform in the same place, right? As to personal happiness, wherever the people I love are, that’s where I’m happiest, so the location, in this sense, is fluid. Home is always pretty special, though, even though I think my idea of home is forever adapting to my circumstances as a traveling musician.
Carry on or checked luggage?
Both! Do you know how much luggage the average musician has to contend with? It’s a nightmare!
What are 2-3 things you need to be happy?
Family, music, surf.
How do you go about creating your ideal life? Who is working behind the scenes?
Everyone is working behind the scene all the time in creating your ideal life, I think. Obviously family is important, as are business associates and so on, but I think all the people you allow into your life work at creating your ideal life. You know how they say holding a grudge is letting someone live rent free in your mind? I’m vigilant against letting anyone do that ever, so, by extension, I have to be vigilant about inviting the right people into my space and life.
What are some of the thorny issues you find yourself dealing with whether ethical, emotional, practical?
Practical, being away from home 9 months of the year has its downsides. Most musicians, you will find, struggle to hold down good relationships because, you know, Skype and FaceTime are only good enough for so long.
Ethically, entertainment is often a fucking shady business. Your ethics are tested daily. My moral compass knows where my true north is, though, so at least I always have that to fall back on.
What are the books that you have most gifted other people or most recommended to other people?
I have book called ‘Mindfulness for busy people’ I recommend to all of my friends hustling and trying to figure out the world on their own steam. You should read it! It isn’t a classic, but it is so incredibly applicable that it usually blows my mind. Also, as trite as some think this may be, 'the art of war' is a timeless, peerless classic. It grows in meaning the more I read it and experience those very conflicts in my own life.
What advice would you give to people out there thinking of following your footsteps, starting their own business/pursuit of dreams?
Don’t drop out of school solely to become a musician! Unless you’ve got a mega hit and the path is already charted for you or you can legitimately say you’ve captured lightning in a bottle, it’s a stupid move because you have more time than you think. Seriously. I meet kids all the time who tell me ‘I dropped out of school to become like you,’ and I’m like ‘but I didn’t drop out of school!’ Education is so important, and people who give that up as well as good jobs for music without doing proper risk assessment do themselves a disservice. Diversify your risk. Know when the iron is hot. Don't just be out there striking whenever you feel like it.

Photo Credit: Michael Busse