Shot Taker, Play Maker.

So bit of a hiatus on the blog, with orders streaming in and visits from family there has been a fair amount of the good life going on. 

We also wanted to say Selamat Hari Raya, the guys from the workshop are taking a few weeks well earned rest and visiting their ancestral villages as Ramadan draws to a close. Whilst this has put a hold on some restocking we think it's a great thing that some places in the world still stop for a few weeks to appreciate friends and family, knowing that the work and distractions of modern life will be there when they come back. 

Just before the guys headed off we received back final samples for a few new models we have been working on, and we are chuffed to say the least. From there our good friend Urs Furrer popped into to town and we took full advantage of his skills behind the lens to get some shots of the new gear. We cannot say thanks enough and cannot wait to share these with you. 

We have also been getting some threads made, at this stage just for our own personal enjoyment but we will see where things head. 

So it seems appropriate to end this post with a big thank you to all friends and family, it's impossible to enjoy the good life without good people to share it with.
